Ask the Auditor | November 2022 - Academic Governance
This is a free monthly webinar, where you can ask our auditors anything you like on the chosen topic. This 30-minute webinar is scheduled at 4:00 pm (AEST) on the last Monday of each month.
In this webinar, you will gain knowledge and understanding on the following topics:
Understand what is academic governance
Developing a sound academic governance strategy
What policies and processes you will need to enable a sound framework
Developing your continuous business improvement register for the benefit of your organisation
At completion of the course, you will be able to download a Professional Development Certificate
This on-demand course has been designed for participants that are working in the Australian Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector. This course focuses on how to demonstrate & maintain Vocational Competence & Industry Currency.
This on-demand course provides participants with an introduction to the Australian National VET System.
This on-demand course has been designed for participants that have recently completed their trainer assessor qualification and are new to working in the Australian Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector, helping to put theory into practice.