Lunch & Learn

High quality professional development you can complete on lunch break.

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About this course

  • $24.95
  • 4 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

About this webinar

This Lunch & Learn webinar is titled 'Designing assessment tools for competency-based training and assessment' and is presented by COO, Katrina Higham. In this webinar we will rovide an overview of competency-based training and assessment and explore how to design assessment tools that align with competency-based standards. Participants will learn about different types of assessment tools, how to develop and implement assessments, and best practices for ensuring quality and consistency. Topics covered in this webinar include:

  • Understand the principles of competency-based training and assessment and their importance in vocational education and training

  • Learn how to design effective assessment tools that align with competency-based training and assessment principles, including identifying the performance criteria, developing assessment methods, and establishing assessment conditions.

  • Develop strategies for validating assessment tools to ensure they are reliable, valid, and fair, including conducting pilot tests, gathering feedback from stakeholders, and ensuring that assessment tools align with industry standards.

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of assessment tools, including analysing assessment outcomes, identifying opportunities for improvement, and making adjustments to assessment tools as necessary to improve outcomes.