Lunch & Learn

High quality professional development you can complete on lunch break.

    1. Welcome to the recording of the Lunch & Learn webinar - 5 July 2023

    2. Lunch & Learn Webinar Recording [Maximising Student Engagement]

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About this course

  • $24.95
  • 4 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

About this webinar

This Lunch & Learn webinar is titled 'Maximising Student Engagement' and is presented by Quality Consultant & Auditor, Paris Arthur. In this webinar, Paris will discuss how to maximise student engagement and retention through learner-centered approaches. Participants will learn about different learner-centered approaches, how to create a supportive learning environment, and strategies for measuring engagement and retention. Topics covered in this webinar include:

  • Understand the principles of learner-centered teaching and learning and how they can help to increase student engagement and retention.

  • Identify strategies for creating a positive and inclusive learning environment, including strategies for building rapport with students and establishing clear expectations.

  • Learn how to incorporate active learning strategies into their teaching, including group work, discussions, and problem-solving activities.

  • Develop assessment and feedback strategies that align with learner-centered teaching principles, including using formative assessments, providing timely and constructive feedback, and involving students in the assessment process.