Lunch & Learn

High quality professional development you can complete on lunch break.

    1. Welcome to the recording of the Lunch & Learn webinar - 10 May 2023

    2. Lunch & Learn Webinar Recording [New VET Standards]

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About this course

  • $24.95
  • 4 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

About this webinar

This Lunch & Learn webinar is titled 'Understanding the new national VET standards and implications for RTO compliance' and is presented by the Co-Founder of Audit Express, Kevin Ekendahl. In this webinar we will provide an overview of the new national VET standards and explore their implications for RTO compliance. Participants will learn about the key changes in the standards and what they mean for their organisation. Topics covered in this webinar include:

  • Understand the changes in the new national VET standards

  • Identify the key implications of the new standards for RTO compliance

  • Develop a plan for implementing the new standards in their organisation

  • Stay up-to-date with the latest developments and changes in VET standards